Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Dice #35 is out! With another amazing Motorcycho insert from local Sickle-Rocker Norman. Mykroc, the man responsible for making everybody else look cool, finally gets his moment in the spotlight.Yeeoowwwzzaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

November Reign

Little skinny chopper seats look cool, but I'm tired of sliding off the back of the seat, bouncing my ass off the fender. It's cold and raining and the shop is warm and dry.. Five dollar swap meet seatpan to start with...

Good start on something...

This guy was stopped in traffic in front of me. He suddenly jumped the curb, across the sidewalk and into a pole. I think he jammed on the wrong pedal !

Stimpy sculpted a magic butt goblin in the yard. I've never seen this before.A delicate balance of technique and style.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

On Any Sunday

Slow n Steady

Steadman "Steady" Prior, aka "Bernie Mac", aka the"Geiger Counter", aka the "Rolly-Polly Lover"Meltin' hearts and slayin' trim daily...
Hi 5?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November 3rd

I fixed my broken headlight mount last night and rode my bike to work this morning. My all-day appointment cancelled at the last minute,and I decided that the chopper gods had spoken. The fall leaves and crisp air were calling my name.
First a roll through the country backroads to Gidget's work for leaf fires and perogies.

Then off to Dopey's new pad where we explore the yard and bubbling creek under the yellow canopy of leaves glowing in the trees above.

G and Mr.Excitement show up, ready to climb the twisty back roads,up the hill, past the dam, then down the damp, tree shrouded mountainside, through near frozen puddles, steep, brake fading descents with intersections at the bottom, back to the warm,radiating blacktop highway and into the to the greasy diner that is our prize for the smiling contest we just had...

The sun sets as we eat our food, and I feel like an ass for how many times we all fiddle with our phones like a pack of 14 year old girls...losers
We roll to the Metal-Viking's headquarters, oil check, and shutter-jam in the pagan paradise.

Strange Birthday happenings...

I stopped by the shop to discover that I'd been pranked for my birthday! The tattoo crew decided to gift wrap everything in my station. And I mean EVERYTHING. Chairs,posters,erasers,lamps,cords,ruler,paper towel etc,etc.I opened my drawer and each machine,was individually wrapped,rubber bands, holy shit! I left it like that and will unwrap my presents as I need them.Thanks guys. You're the best.Aww ..look how cute my lunch is. Good thing there's three.
The sushi dinner ended with my first ever Sushi cake!? Why not.